TMWTP is an adversary towards globalisation. Globalism destroys local gastronomy. It offers huge advantages voor Multi National Food Corporations with their One World One Burger philosophy. They will leave local hawkers and small and authentic restaurants at their mercy.
Do not mistake processed foods you buy at you local supermarket as real food. It isn’t! Cook your own meal.
The big brand portfolio’s like UniLever and Nestle produce stuff that you do not need. They exploit laziness and ignorance. All they produce is fake foods and fake news. They lie the truth and replace real flavor with their chemical (flavor) solutions. The fake foods that these corporations produce you can easily make in you own kitchen. Better and much healthier.
Mok Meat, Vegan meat, vegetarian sausage all marketing tools to mislead people buying chemical crap. If you do not want to eat meat, fine. Buy an Indian cookery Book. These guys have been eating great vegetarian food for ages.
Food is passion. I rather starve dan eat stuf that offends my palette.
Alles moet groen, verantwoord etc. Wie heeft t nog over SMAAK?!
The future doesn’t belong to globalist! The future belongs to sovereign nations, who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors, and honor the differences that make each country special and unique.